Housing Market Analysis

City of Upper Arlington
Housing Market Detailed Analysis

Understanding Upper Arlington's housing market within regional growth and demographic shifts

The regional narrative is that Central Ohio is projected to keep growing, driven by job creation (e.g., Intel, Honda-LG, and 4,000-worker advanced defense manufacturing facilities) and ongoing in-migration.

MTP’s regional forecast looks out to 2050. To meet Upper Arlington’s allocation of overall regional growth, the City should plan on adding about 53 housing units per year.

This analysis further breaks down the overall rate of household growth by household income. In this case, household incomes are grouped by their percent of HUD’s Area Median Income, which is $103,300 (Columbus, OH HUD Metro FMR Area 2025).

Should these trends continue, most of Upper Arlington’s growth looking out will be in the >190% AMI group. There will also be modest growth in the 50-80% AMI group. The other AMI groups are relatively stable.

2010-2023 ACS 5-year data with inflation adjustment, forecast based on MTP for Upper Arlington.

Housing supply constraints and infill limitations combined with high demand are affecting attainability

As a landlocked and established community, infill and teardowns are required for redevelopment. However, the median land cost of $972K per acre for recent teardowns, combined with increasing costs (materials, labor, interest rates), leads to high priced new single-family homes.

With this set of constraints, the median income household can no longer afford the median house price in Upper Arlington.

How does Upper Arlington compare to peer communities?

Comparable communities help market studies by providing benchmarks on key metrics such as growth, demographics, and income across areas with similar socioeconomic or geographic characteristics. In this case, each community was chosen for its relevance in size, regional context, and overall demographic profiles, allowing for a meaningful comparison of trends and conditions.

Upper Arlington is compared to other Ohio communities Dublin, Worthington, Bexley, Shaker Heights, as well as nationally similar communities Brookline MA, Oak Park IL, Prairie Village KS, Fairfax VA, and Carmel IN.

More information will be added to this analysis as the project progresses